Love,its simple isn't it?you love your family and your Friends and they love you back . . . . .#smiles you find a partner whom you love,and who loves you too..And you don't even have to try,it just happens.
Love between people almost,always has its complications .Because people are complicated.Love can be tried,tested and stretched to its limits.Sometimes we love the wrong person,we love too much or not enough,sometimes we even feel it(love)but don't know how to show or even express it.
It is often involved in our highest highs and our deepest lows.And its almost always linked to contentment,which frankly is what most of us ultimately want in life.It all comes down to forming strong and loving relationships that will stay strong all our life. starting from now and accumulating people around you who make you happy and enjoy your company.
It all comes down to the four letter-WORD that has more poems,stories and sermons.The basic and straight forward emotion that many of us find a but ticker that we feel should be .we were told to love our neighbor,love our fellow man,that love makes the world go round .love conquers all,all you need is love .
YES! but how do you actually do it?how do you get it right?how do do you make it last and keep it fresh?
#Episode 2 coming soon
Queeneth Agubamah
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